Pay off Credit Cards

So I just heard that we just paid off almost every debt we have minus one (Husband paid off three or four of his debts today). Then for me, Carecredit again paid off yesterday, discover today, so one left for him.

Completed : 2024

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Goals for Second Quarter of 2024

I still have

  1. Calligraphy courses (which apparently expired on Groupon)
  2. Need to create a cocktail (I did buy another course on Groupon)
  3. Guitar if Sophie will let me
  4. Collect another part of the world

Categories: Administrative | Tags: ,

Be in a film!

Technically, the requirement was to be an EXTRA in a film, but as an actor, it is too easy to not just try out for some actual roles. Why not just do a real role? Plus I never could easily find the extra casting calls.

So, at the very moment, my IMDB says 3 upcoming (though Infernal I have yet to film), I’ve actually filmed I think 6 at this point.

It was ok. I did some voiceover work as well as some actual green screen work. I have a few other pieces that I am expecting to complete.

Completed : 2023 (but released in 2024)

Categories: Entertainment | Tags: , ,

Pay off Credit Cards – AGAIN

Not even that long after I paid off the last credit cards, I had to get hit with several thousand dollars with Corky and Taz on Carecredit. Over $4,000 again, a thousand for Taz and her teeth and the rest for Corky and his final hospitalization. I paid it off again, finally end of February right in time for a Sophie vet visit. Sigh.

Categories: Achievement | Tags: ,

Win an award – Nonfiction Book Awards!

So I won another award. Late December 2023, my book “Leaving Bacon Behind” was nominated for, and received a Silver Award in the category of religion.  I just got the award certificate and the posts went up!

Categories: Achievement | Tags: , ,

Be a Member of an Exclusive Club… again

So I think I might be experiencing deja vu again as Jan 5th, I was given posting privileges to another weird private group on reddit that the bot picked.

This group however seems to be a lot sillier. It’s called The Spiral Tower and their whole identity is basically like some type of crazy RPG which is definitely not a cult. lol

I like them better!

Completed : 2024

Categories: Achievement | Tags: ,

Join Actor’s Equity Association

I’ve tried for many years to become an equity stage manager, but we would always have some form of issue. I was in EMC twice, and never got my card. I was told that because I was pregnant and then epileptic that it wasn’t going to happen. So I left theater for a while.

Equity’s birthday gift to me one year was to start open access which meant provided you were paid as either an actor or stage manager that you are allowed access.

I was.

However, it took Equity another TWO YEARS of me going back and forth with them with evidence that I was both paid and was a stage manager. They wouldn’t accept my pay subs issued during covid because there were no playbills, my play bills or records issued before my name change, or anything like that.

Someone finally sent me an application right after my friend Kelly died. Kelly was the one who got me back to theater so I was very upset that I could not tell him. Then things went silent. As Corky was dying, I emailed AEA again asking why I never got a response. Apparently they had my email wrong and they fixed it the next day.

And then I paid my initial fee. I am almost done with the initiation fee of $1800 as well.

It feels like it took a person and a dog to die to get me this wish.

Completed : 2023

Categories: Uncategorized

Goals for First Quarter of 2024

I still have

  1. Calligraphy courses
  2. Need to create a cocktail.
  3. Guitar if Sophie will let me
  4. Collect another part of the world

Categories: Administrative | Tags: ,

Learn to Make a Candle

This was pretty easy. Some years ago I learned to make candles. Since it is just simply taking wax, melting it, possibly adding scent or colouring to a wick, it’s not even that hard. I made some Yule specific charged holiday candles. It was really easy but I am never sure when I will ever do this except to use up older wax and give it another go at life.

Completed : 2010

Categories: Miscellaneous | Tags: ,

Write a best selling book!

How did I forget my book? Ok we can blame the Israel-Hamas war, but my book, “Leaving Bacon Behind: a How-to Guide to Jewish Conversion” was finally published late September 2023! And in October it was marketed the hell out of and it ended up getting to #1 in Jewish Life (the Kindle version anyway) which makes me a best selling author.

I’ve normally just tried to take the easy way out and say write a book, but I guess I can actually say actually met the requirement of the original 101 Things to Do! I’ll tag my best sellers separately. 🙂

Completed : 2023

Categories: Achievement | Tags: , , ,

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